Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Document 25 June 10, 1947 Memorandum with attachments To: Members of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights Fr: Robert K. Carr

Presidential Papers of Harry S. Truman: Truman Administration’s civil rights program, desegregation of the armed forces: Negroes in the Armed Forces Prepared by Milton D. Stewart and Joseph Murtha: memorandum describing various policy statements on the recruitment, utilization, and treatment of African American troops issued by each military branch and the administrative actions taken to implement those policies, 1947

Document 181 January 12, 1950 Press release Fr: Jacob K. Javits

Presidential Papers of Harry S. Truman: Truman Administration’s civil rights program, desegregation of the armed forces: appeal from Americans for Democratic Action urging the president to issue an executive order abolishing segregation and discrimination in the armed forces and to create an advisory commission to facilitate the process, 1950

Document 21 April 7, 1947 Memorandum To: Robert K. Carr Fr: Milton [D.] Stewart

Presidential Papers of Harry S. Truman: Truman Administration’s civil rights program, desegregation of the armed forces: conference with Mr. Fahy and Mr. Kenworthy: comments on Fahy Committee’s future agenda, including investigation of the feasibility of the air force’s integration proposal, reason behind the low number of African American marine corps officers, whether the committee should regard segregation in itself as discriminatory, the matter of discrimination in the National Guard, and whether the intent of the Gillem Board was to eliminate segregation in the entire army, 1947