The RefWorks® reference manager is perfect for institutions that want students and researchers to produce better, more accurate papers. RefWorks simplifies the process of research, collaboration, data organization, and writing by providing an easy-to-use tool for citation, bibliography, and reference management. RefWorks provides round-the-clock support, and empowers library administrators to define institutional reference list styles and analyze usage across the institution.
Collect and import
Find, access, and capture research materials from virtually any source and in any format. Auto-completion of reference data and retrieval of full text saves time and ensures accurate citations.
Manage research
Unify materials in one central workspace to facilitate storage and reuse, and take advantage of powerful tools such as tags, folders, full-text searching, and deduplication, to access and organize references with ease.
Share and collaborate
Organize, read, annotate and highlight full-text documents individually or share privately with members of your institution or with any RefWorks user in a collaborative environment.
Extend library impact
Enhance library’s contribution to research and student success with a fully supported reference management service, enabling library admins to set and disseminate institutional styles, analyze usage, and manage copyright compliance.
Customer Resources
Check out all the support materials you will need to get started and stay informed about RefWorks. From new datasheets, user guides, customizable posters, release notes to RefWorks YouTube video Channel.
Help us improve RefWorks by telling us what you’d like to see: add your suggestions to the Refworks Ideas Exchange.
Stay informed of new feature releases in RefWorks by visiting our release notes page.
RefWorks Customer Stories
Read how institutions are using RefWorks to maximize their research productivity.
- RefWorks at Chung-Ang University: Video Testimonials (with English Subtitles)
- RefWorks at Kyung Hee University: Video Testimonials (with English Subtitles)
- RefWorks at Soongsil University: Video Testimonials (with English Subtitles)
- RefWorks at Texas Medical Library
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