Since 1789, U.S. Presidents have exercised authority through orders, proclamations, directives, memoranda, pardons, correspondence, statements, and other types of communication. As part of the U.S three-branch system of checks and balances, Presidents have undertaken actions to direct foreign policy, interpret enacted law, impact the enforcement of laws, and further social change. This unique collection offers over 100,000 examples of executive actions from 1789-2017. More than 50% date from prior to 1936, approximately 25% belong to our complete numbered executive order and proclamation series, and 75% were collected by human editors seeking to document the history of executive actions. The collection was created on a document by document basis in consultation with archivists and librarians at the National Archives and Records Administration, as well as dozens of government, academic, and public libraries. Includes subject indexing.

Short Description

Uma janela sem precedentes para a história dos EUA

Acesso incomparável

Acesso incomparável

Fornecer acesso consistente às maiores coleções de documentos governamentais digitalizados facilmente descobertos organizados para facilitar o uso e a compreensão

Capacitar pesquisadores

Capacitar pesquisadores

Permitir que estudantes e pesquisadores pesquisem e explorem esses recursos essenciais para ajudar a construir habilidades de alfabetização crítica, analítica e digital



Explore e descubra o desenvolvimento e implementação da política e do direito em relação a questões históricas e em andamento, como imigração, saúde, justiça social, mudanças climáticas e muito mais

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