Inclusive Education in England, Australia, the United States, and Canada: Quo Vadis?


  • Steve Sider Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Mel Ainscow
  • Suzanne Carington
  • Carolyn Shields
  • Sofia Mavropoulou Queensland University of Technology
  • Smita Nepal Queensland University of Technology
  • Kiara Daw



inclusive education, comparative, international, Canada, Australia, England, United States


We provide a high-level overview of inclusive education developments in England, Australia, the United States, and Canada, the countries within which much of our research has been completed. For each country, we discuss the work that we have each done within that context, key policy initiatives, and identified levers of system change. Despite significant international, national, and regional policies and agreements to support inclusive education, there remain many gaps between the vision for inclusive education and the reality on the ground. We offer three “now what?” areas to consider in moving toward achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4—inclusive and equitable quality education—by 2030: implementation, context, and a focus on inclusive, not special, education.

