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Owner: Cheyeon Ha
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Paper Title: Game-Based Learning on Learning Motivation and Science Achievement in K–12 Education: Robustic Meta-Analysis Study
Session Title: Computer and Internet Applications in Education Poster Session
Paper Type: Poster Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/8/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Academic Outcomes, Computers and Learning, Science Education
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Cheyeon Ha, Florida State University; Chen Sun, Florida State University – Tallahassee
Unit: SIG-Computer and Internet Application in Education
Abstract: This meta-analysis study aims to explore the game-based learning (GBL) effects on students’ learning motivation and academic achievement in K-12 science education. Recently GBL has been broadly used for students with low learning motivation because the dynamic learning activities in computer games could provide benefits for K-12 education. We reviewed the recent decade (i.e., 2010 - 2019) studies of GBL and investigated the effect sizes for learning motivation (n = 35) and science achievement (n = 21) using the robust meta-analysis method. We found that using digital games can significantly increase students’ motivation (g = .292) and science achievement (g = .475). The findings support the idea that GBL helps students have higher motivation and improve students’ science achievement.