Are Millionaire Taxes Self-Defeating?
A common argument against increasing taxes on high earners is that the wealthy will simply move out of the city or state with higher taxes.
Legionnaires’ Disease, an Illness of Affluence
Legionnaires’ is the first communicable disease of modern wealth, thriving in the interstitial spaces of our built environment.
The Allure of the Millionaire Family Drama
The reason we put aside our personal dislike of rich TV families, people we might deeply resent if they were real, is two-fold.
The Link between Startups and Privilege
Self-made? The most successful independent ventures are often backed by legacy money or networks.
Noblesse Oblige in American Politics
What responsibility does the very wealthy have to the rest of the population? United States governor Winthrop Rockefeller provides a historical case study.
Are the Rich More Selfish Than the Rest of Us?
When it comes to selfish behavior, a new study suggests rich and poor are divided more by circumstance than character.
Why We Obsess Over Other People’s Mansions
Gilded Age mansions were remarkably public places. Newspapers breathlessly followed their construction and the social lives that happened within them
The Real Reason Fine Art Costs So Much
To outsiders, art auctions can seem like a parody of bizarre spending by wealthy people. The origins of ultra-expensive art lies in the nineteenth-century.
Philanthropic Billionaires: An Investigation
Mark Zuckerberg joins a long line of philanthropic billionaires who have pledged millions of dollars to charitable causes.
The Five Percent: Looking at Where the Largest Campaign Donors Come From
The majority of campaign donors live in just five percent of the country's zip codes. Here is where they ideologically stand on issues.