Rings of Saturn

Why Does Saturn Have Rings?

Every school child will recognize a photo of Saturn. The squash-colored planet is orbited by distinctive rings, easily visible ...
Jeanette Epps

More Hidden Figures of NASA History

Katherine G. Johnson, Charles F. Bolden, Jeanette Epps, and roles of African Americans in NASA.
Zooming in on Schiaparelli components on Mars

Why Getting to Mars is Not So Easy

There is a reason Mars has a reputation as a graveyard for spacecraft.
Haumea, a dwarf planet

The Weirdest Dwarf Planets Discovered So Far

The solar system is apparently more crowded than we thought: astronomers have discovered a new dwarf planet. Some dwarf planets don't play by the rules.
A rendering of the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) telescope

A New Tool in the Search for Alien Life

China is bringing a huge new radio telescope on-line, and part of its stated purpose will be to search for alien life.
Black Hole illustration

What’s On the Other Side of a Black Hole?

What would happen if you entered a black hole?
Saturn's moon Enceladus

The Mysterious Ocean of Enceladus

Saturn’s moon Enceladus has a secret. For some years, scientists have been convinced that there is a liquid ...
Hevelius map

Where Did the Moon Come From?

Despite years of study, it is only since the 1980s that a theory of the moon's origin has coalesced.
Buzz Aldrin with equipment on the moon

What the Space Race Left Behind

How should the artifacts of the space race be preserved?
The bright star Alpha Centauri and its surroundings

Sending Tiny Robots to the Nearest Star

A group of astrophysicists think they have found a way to send a probe to the newest star system, Alpha Centauri.