Cormorants on a Guano Island

Are We Entering a New Golden Age of Guano?

A history of civilization could be written in fertilizers. And the history of guano—bird poop—tells us a lot about slavery, imperialism, and U.S. expansion.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Jean Blackwell Hutson Research and Reference Division, The New York Public Library. "Sugar cane plantation; [Jamaica.]" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 27, 2016.

Sugar Has Always Been Bad

Sugar long had a bad reputation because of its connection to slavery in the New World.
Grandchildren of slaves.

A Formerly Enslaved Woman Successfully Won a Case for Reparations in 1783

In one of the earliest examples of reparations, an ex-slave named Belinda petitioned the government and was granted an annuity.
1776 Lottery ticket issued by Continental Congress to finance American Revolutionary War.

Jackpot: For Colonial Slaves, Playing the Lottery Was a Chance at Freedom

Complaints that the lottery is a regressive tax on the poor have been around since the beginning of the lottery in America.
The road to liberty; a station on the Underground Railroad.

The Secret Order Behind the Underground Railroad

William Lambert and George De Baptiste, free-born black men, used the underground railroad to help slaves escape to British Canada. 
Poster advertising Joice Heth

The Immortal Life of Joice Heth: How P. T. Barnum Used an Elderly Slave To Launch His Career

P. T. Barnum's career as a Kentucky show man began with his ownership and exploitation of African American slave Joice Heth.
Texas flag

Enslaved People in Texas and the Mexican Border

How the nearness of the Mexican border influenced formerly enslaved people in the state of Texas.
Wall St. street sign

Wall Street’s Slave Market

New York City will unveil a plaque today marking the location of the city's slave market at Wall Street.

The Modern History of Slavery

The Walk Free Foundation recently reported that 35 million people in the world today are trapped in different forms of slavery.