
Plants Know When They Are Being Eaten. (And They Fight Back.)

Plants have long employed a variety of defensive strategies against herbivores, but the scope and sophistication of these defenses is still being understood.
Colored illustration of blueberries

The Delicious Origins of the Domesticated Blueberry

Frederick Coville and Elizabeth White, two strangers, domesticated the blueberry together. They valued beauty and worked to support local communities.
The inside of a quant Victorian parlor with mustard wallpaper, an intricately carved piano, and decor ranging from colorful flowers to vases

“The Culture of the Copy”: Victorians’ Obsession With Wax Flowers

Wax flowers were a major obsession of Victorian women, allowing them to combine art and industry.
Close-up of a diamond held by jeweler's tweezers

Got Plants? You May Also Have Diamonds!

The use of plants as indicators for specific environmental conditions
A Gall Wasp on a horizontal stalk

Alfred C. Kinsey On Gall Wasps and Edible Plants

Alfred Kinsey was a professor of entomology before becoming a sexologist.
Dr. Jeanine Vélez Gavilán, Global Plants Initiative Steering Committee Member, at the MAPR Herbarium.

JSTORies: Jeanine Vélez Gavilán

Jeanine Vélez Gavilán discusses her career in botany, her passion for endangered plants, and how climate change challenges botanists today. Visit ...