miniature people standing on around a stack of coins

Can Consumer Groups Be Radical?

Historian Lawrence Glickman looked at the consumer movements of the 1930s to find out.
Bitcoin bubble

What Is a Bubble?

Tulip bulbs. Housing. Bitcoin? In every bubble, the value of something is based more on peoples' esteem of it, rather than intrinsic worth.

How Political Events Change Currency Value

What causes shifts in currency after a political event is, essentially, human expectations.
1776 Lottery ticket issued by Continental Congress to finance American Revolutionary War.

Jackpot: For Colonial Slaves, Playing the Lottery Was a Chance at Freedom

Complaints that the lottery is a regressive tax on the poor have been around since the beginning of the lottery in America.
"The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor", lithograph depicting the 1773 Boston Tea Party

Taxation Without Money

The Stamp Act of 1765, which inspired the “taxation without representation” cry, imposed taxes that outraged specific groups of people.
The English lion dismember'd or the voice of the public for an enquiry into the public expenditure.

Paper Money Rebellion

The Currency Act of 1764 returned the restrictions of 1751: banning colonists from printing their own legal tender bills.
Benjamin Franklin at work on a printing press.

Public Banks: An American Tradition

When it comes to finance and banking, early Americans like Benjamin Franklin make Bernie Sanders look conservative.
Indenture certificate for James Rymer Junior, binding him as an apprentice to the surgeon-apothecaries Caleb Woodyer and William Newland of Guildford, signed by all parties.

Indentured Servants and The Domestic Economy

Many 18th-century households included not only relatives and slaves, but also indentured servants, people sold into bondage for a specified length of time.
Benjamin Franklin

A Nation Built on Debt

What is debt and where did it come from?
Licoricia of Winchester

Licoricia of Winchester, Jewish Widow and Medieval Financier

The story of Licoricia of Winchester illustrates just how much wealth and influence a Jewish woman could accumulate.