The Long-Lost Locust
The 1874 locust swarm was estimated to be twice the square mileage of the state of Colorado. Why don't locusts swarm anymore?
The Overlooked Importance of Parasites
Parasites can be creepy, but according to some ecologists, parasites may substantially impact entire ecosystems—for the better.
Bees’ and Orchids’ Pseudo-Romance Broken by Climate Change
Rising temperatures are upsetting the bee-orchid pollinating schedule, threatening to snuff out the flower.
Why We Need to Start Listening to Insects
The study of wingbeat has come an incredibly long way and could lead to breakthroughs crucial for human populations facing insect-borne disease and pests.
Fire Ants Form Rafts to Float on Water
Floating masses of fire ants have been observed drifting in the floodwaters resulting from Hurricane Harvey. How does a swarm of fire ants float?
Why Conservationists Shouldn’t Forget About Insects
Insect conservation can be a tough sell. Lots of people simply don’t like bugs, and an endangered bug simply doesn’t pull on the heart strings.
Believe It or Not, You Don’t Actually Want Mosquitoes Eradicated
What would happen if we actually eliminated mosquitoes?
The Bigger Your House, The More Room for Bugs
Insect diversity inside the house strongly correlates with neighborhood income. The higher up the income ladder you climb, the greater the diversity of bugs.
The Amazingly Complex World of Insect Navigation
Dung beetles, ants, and other insects navigate in mysterious ways.