Albert Anker, Fortune Teller

The Surprising Historical Significance of Fortune-Telling

The possible futures predicted by fortune-telling happen just often enough to tantalize, preying on our deepest aspirations of catching a "big break."
Marie Antoinette hair

The Political Power of Marie Antoinette’s Hair

With the help of a French hairdresser, Marie Antoinette embarked on what initially appeared to be a happily fated alliance between the Habsburgs and the Bourbons.
Reporters swarming around Malcolm X

A Telephone Conversation with Malcolm X

This 1965 telephone conversation between Malcolm X and meeting organizers in Paris took place just weeks before his assassination.
Mary Cassatt's The Young Mother

Maternity, #Meternity, and the Military

Maternity leave as we know it today may have its origins in turn-of-the-century French militarism.
Lions painted in the Chauvet Cave. This is a replica of the painting from the Brno museum Anthropos. The absence of the mane sometimes leads to these paintings being described as portraits of lionesses.

Reinterpreting The Chauvet Cave Paintings

Do France’s Chauvet Cave paintings depict a contemporary volcanic eruption? Recent research argues that they do. 

Satanism and Magic in the Age of the Moulin Rouge

How did some of the most illustrious names of fin de siècle French literature end up in a newspaper battle over witchcraft and evil spirits?
Two champagne glasses.

Seeing Class in Every Glass: How Champagne United Behind Their Famous Sparkling Wine

The rise of champagne as a distinctly French invention helped sow class differences in the region.
View of Giverny

Experiencing Monet’s Giverny

Want to experience Claude Monet’s Giverny? Do so easily through his paintings or travel.
The French flag handing from the Arc de Triomphe

Bastille Day

The origins and contested meanings of Bastille Day.
Oil painting of the Battle of Waterloo

Waterloo at 200

John Houston takes a less melodic look at the transformation of the Battle of Waterloo from "fact to myth," from history to literature.