The First Earth Day, and the First Green Generation
The first Earth Day took place fifty years ago, so most people don't remember how it happened or what it accomplished. It's time for a look back.
An Islamic Approach to Environmentalism
A number of contemporary Muslim environmentalist groups have been inspired by Koranic verses that stress the conservation of nature.
How Judi Bari Tried to Unite Loggers and Environmentalists
The radical environmentalist had a background in labor organizing and wanted to end the misogyny of the movement and the logging industry alike.
The Case of the Thinning Eggshells
How the proliferation of pesticides like DDT almost undid the Peregrine falcon.
Does Forest Thinning Work?
Does forest thinning, a land management strategy, offer an effective solution to the problem of forest fires?
Salamanders Crossing: This Way to the Vernal Pool!
They may look like random puddles, but some states are building million-dollar tunnels to direct wildlife to these seasonal refuges.
Ecological Economics: An Oxymoron?
Mainstream economics has largely neglected to integrate ecological systems into its models. But the two disciplines don't have to be diametrically opposed.
Susan Fenimore Cooper, Forgotten Naturalist
Susan Fenimore Cooper, known as her father James Fenimore Cooper’s secretary, is now being recognized as one of the nation's first environmentalists.
How Nuclear Tests Spawned Environmentalism
It's been 55 years since the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The massive amounts of fallout in the decade previous to the Treaty taught us a lot about the interconnected planet we live on.
Fast Fashion Fills Our Landfills
Americans dispose of about 12.8 million tons of textiles annually. Fashion has a major impact on the environment. So what is the industry doing about it?