Coney Money
Want to make some coin raising rabbits? Get yourself an island. Or not, if you want to protect the existing ecosystem.
The Strange Career of the Lady Possum of the New World
Marsupials make people think of Australia, but Europeans encountered and described their first marsupial, the Virginia opossum, in 1499.
Ghost Cats of the East
Why do people claim to see cougars in the eastern United States when the cats are now extremely rare in that part of North America?
Beaver Politics in Oregon
Reintroduction of the beaver may help mitigate the effects of climate change, but the obstacles between these toothy rodents and their ponds are many.
Racing to Respectability
The bankers and entrepreneurs of Montana Territory turned to the race track to bolster their reputations.
Why Aren’t There More Dogs at the Doctor’s Office?
Dogs can use their superb sense of smell to identify disease in human patients. What’s keeping them from using this ability in the healthcare industry?
Cows Gone Wild: The Cattle of Heck
Returning large, wild herbivores to Europe could help maintain soil health and discourage invasive species, but these cows have some political baggage...
The One Health Framework
A policy framework proposal seeks to elevate the needs and rights of all living organisms in the environment.
Animal Teachers and Marie de France
The twelfth century poet Marie de France used animals to teach lessons of courtly love.
Yaks in Tibet
As China tried to expand into Tibet in the late 1930s, it looked to the yak as a way to "modernize" Tibetan culture.