Fighting for Sex Workers’ Rights in India
Labor unions for sex workers reveal how sexuality, gender, and caste intersect in a precarious and often dangerous work environment.
Circumnavigating Censorship through Poetry and Pictures
Prison censorship comes in many forms; its subversion comes in even more.
Adolph Reed Jr.: The Perils of Race Reductionism
The political scientist Adolph Reed Jr. on the Black Lives Matter movement, the “rich peoples’ wealth gap,” and his Marxism.
Socialism: Foundations and Key Concepts
What is the political, philosophic, and economic system known as socialism? Some starting points for further study.
Noam Chomsky: There’s Reason for Hope
The celebrated linguist and scholar on his new book on global climate change, the mediated reality of Fox News, and the economics of the Green New Deal.
From Gay Liberation to Marriage Equality
One scholar explains how the LGBT movement became focused on advancing the rights of a narrow set of people at the expense of its once-radical vision.
Why Does Meatpacking Have Such Bad Working Conditions?
In the long time between The Jungle and today, meatpacking has changed—first for the better, due to strong unions, then for the worse.
Walter Benn Michaels: What’s His Deal?
The literary critic Walter Benn Michaels challenges the prevailing trends of postmodernist theory.
When did May Day Turn Into an Immigrants’ Rights Day?
May Day has traditionally focused on labor and working class issues. Immigration and immigrant labor adds a new dimension to the holiday.