Director Julie Dash poses for the movie "Daughters of the Dust," circa 1991

Feminist Film Theory: An Introductory Reading List

Evolving from the analysis of representations of women in film, feminist film theory asks questions about identity, sexuality, and the politics of spectatorship.
nazi german radio

An Affordable Radio Brought Nazi Propaganda Home

In the 1930s, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels led the charge to create a radio cheap enough that even workers could own one.
rainer werner fassbinder

Why Do Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Films Still Resonate?

A miniseries directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder finally has its U.S. premier 45 years later and reminds us of the phenomenon of this great German director.
Stamp commemorating the Soviet Union

Brainwashing, Mind Control, and American Paranoia

During the Cold War, Americans believed the Soviets and Communist China had developed brainwashing techniques. Then it came to America.