The Linguistics of Other People’s Pants (and Other Dishonorific Epithets)
The linguistics behind "dishonorifics." In this kind of naming construction, clearly honorifics are added in an ironic, tongue-in-cheek way.
Bilinguals Do It Better
Recent research by Katherine Kinzler adds to the plethora of evidence that bilinguals enjoy mental advantages.
The Quirks of Pronunciation: Why Some People Say “Banana” and Others Say “Bananal”
I say "Harvard" and you say "Hahvahd"
Hearing Harriet Smith
In the University of Texas library, our writer found a previously unknown audiotape of an interview with a woman who'd been born into slavery.
Dear Pedants: Your Fave Grammar Rule is Probably Fake
What constitutes ‘correct’ grammar in English seems to have a cyclical life, aided and abetted by new generations of enthusiastic grammarians.