Mister Splashy Pants

The Linguistics of Other People’s Pants (and Other Dishonorific Epithets)

The linguistics behind "dishonorifics." In this kind of naming construction, clearly honorifics are added in an ironic, tongue-in-cheek way.
Reporters holding out recording devices and microphones to their subject

The Linguistics of Mass Persuasion Part 2: Choose Your Own Adventure

How politicians use language to manipulate the public and sway them toward particular world-views. 
"FrankHerbert Dune 1st" by Digital scan of book cover from [1]; copyright maintained by publisher or artist, as applicable.. Via <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FrankHerbert_Dune_1st.jpg#/media/File:FrankHerbert_Dune_1st.jpg" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>

Dune at 50

Frank Herbert's novel Dune, the best selling science-fiction novel of all time, celebrates it's 50th birthday and is still read in innovative ways.
"Tom Brady and his offensive line" by Jack Newton - Flickr: Tom Brady looks downfield. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tom_Brady_and_his_offensive_line.jpg#/media/File:Tom_Brady_and_his_offensive_line.jpg

Deflategate, Shmategate: Aren’t We All Cheaters Anyway?

In a sports world where soccer players theatrically feign injuries and cyclists dope, one might rightfully ask: Is fair play just a myth?
Avengers presentation featuring most of the main characters from the franchise

Choose Your Own Adventure: The Marvel Universe and Our Cultural Values

A postmodern view of the Marvel comics and cinematic franchise,