The Linguistics of Other People’s Pants (and Other Dishonorific Epithets)
The linguistics behind "dishonorifics." In this kind of naming construction, clearly honorifics are added in an ironic, tongue-in-cheek way.
The Linguistics of Mass Persuasion Part 2: Choose Your Own Adventure
How politicians use language to manipulate the public and sway them toward particular world-views.
Dune at 50
Frank Herbert's novel Dune, the best selling science-fiction novel of all time, celebrates it's 50th birthday and is still read in innovative ways.
Deflategate, Shmategate: Aren’t We All Cheaters Anyway?
In a sports world where soccer players theatrically feign injuries and cyclists dope, one might rightfully ask: Is fair play just a myth?
Choose Your Own Adventure: The Marvel Universe and Our Cultural Values
A postmodern view of the Marvel comics and cinematic franchise,