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The Editors

Emily Dickinson, circa 1847

17 Poems by Emily Dickinson

A selection of her poems by one of America's greatest poets.
An axolotl

Salamanders, Hong Kong, and the Power of Kindness

Well-researched stories from The Atlantic, Public Books, and other great publications.
Mark Twain and James Fenimore Cooper

Mark Twain v. James Fenimore Cooper

A trial in the court of public opinion.
A family around a thanksgiving dinner table, colored red and blue

Talk about This, Not That

Looking to avoid politics at the holiday dinner table? Food trivia, ground-up mummy pigment, and snake jaws ought to do the trick.
"The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth" (1914) By Jennie A. Brownscombe

Thanksgiving, Vaping Fear, and Financial Climate Crisis

Well-researched stories from The American Prospect, The New Yorker, and other great publications.
Diagram representing the divergence of species

An Early Review of On the Origin of Species

"Darwin openly and almost scornfully repudiates the whole doctrine of Final Causes. He finds no indication of design or purpose anywhere..."
Abraham Lincoln, 1858

When and Where Did Abraham Lincoln Write the Gettysburg Address?

Theories abound. Historian William H. Lambert considers the origin of the address and the mythology surrounding its composition.
Mouse deer

Dementia, Cancer, and Adorable Wildlife

Well-researched stories from Scientific American, Wired, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Pad Thai

Math, Virginity Tests, and Pad Thai

Well-researched stories from Atlas Obscura, The Atlantic, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Water being poured into a brain

Clean Brains, Fake Languages, and Scary Tech

Well-researched stories from Wired, The Conversation, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A gamer playing in the dark

High Misdemeanors, Gaming Addiction, and Lots of Ghosts

Well-researched stories from Vox, The Atlantic, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A person reclining with a book over their face

Suicide, Sectarianism, and Short Sleepers

Well-researched stories from Aeon, NPR, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde’s Pamphlet: “Children in Prison and Other Cruelties of Prison Life”

Wilde's description is heart-wrenching, but that doesn't hold him back from the usual wit and drama that characterize his writing.

Noise, Xenophobia, and Viking Women

Well-researched stories from Wired, The Conversation, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Che Guevara

Che Guevara

In 1964, 5 years after the end of the Cuban revolution, Che Guevara wrote for an academic journal. Read the Cuban leader in his own words.
Queen Nzinga (1582-1663) of Matamba

An African Queen, Alien Signals, and Poison Eating

Well-researched stories from Longreads, The Atlantic, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Donald Trump

Looming Impeachment, Cheap DNA, and Emoji Linguistics

Well-researched stories from NPR, Public Books, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
TS Eliot

T.S. Eliot

Remembering the famous modernist poet T.S. Eliot with his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."
Mezzotint illustrations of Blue Jay, Chickadee, Sparrow, Purple Finch.

Dead Birds, Data Mining, and Dark Matter

Well-researched stories from Public Books, Aeon, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
HG Wells, 1904

H.G. Wells’s Letters to Cora Crane

The correspondence between famous novelist H.G. Wells and Cora Crane, the partner of "The Red Badge of Courage" author Stephen Crane.
Upton Sinclair, 1900

Upton Sinclair

Best known as the author of "The Jungle," Upton Sinclair had some thoughts about the American economy, which he shared in this 1906 essay.
A woman vaping

Vaping Sickness, Modern Menopause, and Lab-Made Embryos

Well-researched stories from High Country News, Scientific American, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A couple embracing

Climate Refugees, Child-Free Life, and Wellness at Work

Well-researched stories from The New Republic, PBS, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A forest floor

Forest Economies, Spy vs. Spy, and Nuking Hurricanes

Well-researched stories from Quanta, Wired, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A falling leaf

Eleven Poems for Fall

Cozy up to autumn with verse from Dylan Thomas, Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Frost, Rita Dove, and more.