Are the Posthumans Here Yet?
Implanting machine components into human bodies, argues one scholar, could make for a better society.
Bombs and the Bikini Atoll
The haute beachwear known as the bikini was named after a string of islands turned into a nuclear wasteland by atomic bomb testing.
The Global Suppression of Indigenous Fire Management
Indigenous peoples' techniques to manage and benefit from fire are threatened, even as wildfires burn more frequently and intensely.
The Black Press and Disinformation on Facebook
The Black Press historically has countered disinformation that targeted Black voters, but now it is financially connected to Facebook itself.
5 Questions to Ask before Joining a Social Network
Clubhouse reminds us of what early adopters forget: Leadership diversity is crucial to platform safety.
Ynés Mexía: Botanical Trailblazer
This Mexican-American botanist fought against the harshness of both nature and society to follow her passion for plant collecting.
The Unsung Heroine of Lichenology
Elke Mackenzie’s moments of self-citation illuminate the hopes of someone who, against ease and tradition, did not wish to separate her identity from her research.
A Recipe for Ancient Wildfires
The earliest wildfires raged long before humans, and they only needed three ingredients to get started.
Plant of the Month: Dittany
Did women in the premodern world have much agency over reproduction? Their use of plants like dittany suggests that they did.
iNaturalist and Crowdsourcing Natural History
The citizen-science app iNaturalist lets you record observations of plants and animals. The data can be used to study biodiversity.