Plant of the Month: Peanut
The peanut, a natural hybrid of two species, originated in Bolivia. It now plays a critical role in food cultures around the world.
Trouvelot’s Total Lunar Eclipse
Immigrant artist Étienne Léopold Trouvelot used his skills to accurately represent the details—and the sublimity—of our solar system.
Black Holes R Us
The universe is full of black holes. Even the Milky Way has one, and we now have a picture of it. Don't panic, but it looks like a blurry glazed donut.
Young People and Eco-Anxiety
As problems caused by climate change become more acute, so too does the eco-anxiety of the world's youth.
Is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Still Around?
With the US government poised to declare the Ivory-billed Woodpecker extinct, scientists work to determine what counts as evidence of existence.
The History of Reproductive Rights: A Syllabus
A selection of stories on the history of reproductive rights and abortion to foster dialogue inside and outside of the classroom.
Choose the Correct Cover Crop
Organic tomato farmers know that cover crops are key for ensuring adequate nitrogen supply in the soil each year. But not all covers are equal.
Lacebark as a Symbol of Resilience
For the enslaved people of Jamaica, the lacebark tree was a valuable natural resource and a means of asserting one's dignity.
Plant of the Month: Sundew
Beautiful but deadly, the carnivorous sundew has long fascinated amateur and expert botanists alike—and may possess untapped medicinal value.
When Too Many Fish Causes a Conservation Problem
Marine reserves may solve a common but challenging bycatch problem in fisheries.