Why Do We Love Thinking About Schrödinger’s Cat?
In physics, the whole point of the thought experiment is that it’s absurd. But in literature, it’s been used to explore all sorts of ideas and possibilities.
Artificial Intelligence: An AI-Generated Reading List
ChatGPT generated this annotated bibliography for us. Don't worry, we'll ask (and pay) a human to write one too.
From DiscoVision to SelectaVision
While these videodisc formats ultimately failed, they signaled that consumers were hungry for control of their home viewing.
Coney Money
Want to make some coin raising rabbits? Get yourself an island. Or not, if you want to protect the existing ecosystem.
Minding Tourism’s Communication Gap
Tourism is Iceland’s biggest industry, but tourists and staff are increasingly threatened by extreme weather linked to climate change. How to keep everyone safe?
A Bot Might Have Written This
ChatGPT is here. How can teachers and students proceed to use it with integrity?
The Strange Career of the Lady Possum of the New World
Marsupials make people think of Australia, but Europeans encountered and described their first marsupial, the Virginia opossum, in 1499.
To Get Help for Sick Kids, Mothers Wrote to Washington
In the 1930s, mothers wrote to the US president and the federal Children’s Bureau asking for support for their sick children. They rarely received help.
Plant of the Month: Hibiscus
Nearly synonymous with the global tropics and subtropics, hibiscus symbolizes the Caribbean’s transnational past, present, and future.