The Accidental Nature Preserve of the DMZ
The 1952 Korean War armistice set up a demilitarized zone between North Korea and South, inadvertently creating a critical nature sanctuary.
A Slimy Story: Snail Mucus
Land snails, mostly hermaphroditic, follow slime trails to find their mates. Others, including predatory Rosy Wolf Snails, follow the mucus to find their meals.
Medicalizing Domestic Violence
What happens when experts position domestic violence inside a biomedical model of care?
Vinyl Chloride, Revisited
In the wake of the derailment of a train in Ohio come renewed concerns about vinyl chloride and its use in industrial products.
Bugging Out
The complicated, ever-changing, millennia-long relationship between insects and humans.
The Birth of the Modern American Military Hospital
The founding of Walter Reed General Hospital at the beginning of the twentieth century marked a shift in medical care for military personnel and veterans.
We Got Social Media Wrong. Can We Get AI Right?
How to be agents who use new AI tools, rather than subjects manipulated by them.
Can Religion Be Helpful for People With Chronic Pain?
A group of researchers asked this question of a group of patients in secularized Western Europe.
Neurasthenia, Vietnamese Style
To self-diagnose with neurasthenia was to identify with modernity and civilization while also recognizing the harms caused by colonial structures.
Home Pregnancy Tests
Before the arrival of home pregnancy tests, women had to seek answers at the doctor’s office, which was costly, inconvenient, and potentially embarrassing.