Planet or Not, Pluto is Amazing
Pluto might not be a planet, but the results of the New Horizons mission flyby tell it is still a pretty cool place. And cold!
The Advanced Mathematics of the Babylonians
The Babylonians knew their mathematics thousands of years before the Europeans.
Teachers Against Trolls: How to Prepare Kids for Online Conflict
We need to look beyond technology and consider social solutions to engage and disagree constructively online.
Cover Crops Are Making a Comeback
Farmers looking increase yields and maintain healthy soil are trying the old technique of planting cover crops again.
Where Are You From? Check Your Parasites
People and birds carry their specific parasites around the world.
The Smallest Corpse Flower
A relatively tiny member of the Rafflesia genus of giant corpse flowers has just been discovered.
Teddy Roosevelt Weighs in on the Evolution of Camouflage
In the years after his presidency, Roosevelt sent a letter to The Condor magazine criticizing painter Abbott Thayer's theory of animal camouflage.
The Promise of Graphene
Graphene, the thinnest material known and a hundred times stronger than steel, could potentially treat bacterial infections.
Every Week Is Shark Week for Shark Biologist Dave Ebert
An interview with shark biologist Dr. David Ebert, discoverer of the ninja lanternshark.