Happy Mother’s Day: Kids’ Screen Time is a Feminist Issue
Portable electronics like smartphones and tablets are indispensable tools for mothers and caregivers. Why do we shame them for allowing kids screen time?
The Effects of El Niño You Never Hear About
El Niño is a complex series of weather patterns that arises in the Pacific, influencing weather phenomena around the world. But what's it doing to plankton?
The Science of Secretions
Although secretions like saliva and digestive juices might have a high ick-factor, these bodily products are essential for us to function normally.
Why We Can’t Turn Away from Wildlife Cams
Wildlife cams have steadily gained popularity among both scientists and casual observers. But viewers aren't always prepared for wildlife unscripted.
The Commercialization of Space
Policymakers and scientists have been thinking about the details of the commercialization of space for decades.
Dr. Nose: Disease-Detecting Animals
Belgian scientists are training rats to detect diseases. Other animals, including dogs, have a history of disease-detection.
Who was Max Planck?
Max Planck was a German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.
Happy Birthday, Hubble Telescope!
This year, the Hubble Telescope celebrates its 26th year in space.
Why We Actually Need Our Allergies
Allergies may be annoying, but they might also protect us from environmental toxins.
Tracing General Hannibal’s Path Across The Alps. In Poop.
A new study traces Hannibal's path across the Alps by examining preserved horse poop.