A pair of hands making L's to distinguish which one is actually the left one

Be Honest, Can You Really Tell Left from Right?

Laterality, or left-right orientation, takes years to master. A surprising percentage of adults struggle telling left from right, including some surgeons.
A student working on a laptop computer

Embracing Your Inner Cyborg

Cyborgs might be closer in the future than you think.
A wrapped burrito from Chipotle

What’s A Healthier Choice: A Big Mac or A Chipotle Burrito?

Consumers looking to make a healthier choice need to consider that "fast casual" restaurants aren't always better than fast food.
European Starlings

What If We Had All the Birds from Shakespeare in Central Park?

According to birding lore, two of America's most invasive bird species were introduced by a misguided Shakespeare fan named Eugene Schieffelin.
Waves touch the shore at low tide

Five Things You Didn’t Know About the Ocean

June is National Oceans Month. Celebrate with some beach reads.
Francis Crick

How Francis Crick Almost Didn’t Make His Huge DNA Discovery

British biologist Francis Crick co-published a paper on the helical structure of DNA some fifty years ago. He followed a convoluted route to this discovery.
A bison beside a lake in Yellowstone National Park

How Not to Approach Wildlife in Yellowstone National Park

National parks like Yellowstone are great places to get close to nature, but tourists shouldn't forget that they are also important refuges for wildlife.
A doctor giving a young girl a vaccination

Avoiding Autoimmune Diseases

Avoiding autoimmune disease may depend on your social class and the ecosystems you’re exposed to.
Black and white family photos laid on wooden floor background.

The Brain’s Memory Back-Up Plan

Neuroscientists have discovered how memory is stored–and backed up–in the brain.
Diagram outlining how menstrual cycles connect to computer networks

Why the Future of the Internet May Depend on the History of Abortion

Our columnist’s take on the future of the Internet and the importance of grassroots networks.