Self driving car navigating its way around safety cones

Do Reminders of Death Affect Reckless Driving?

Self-driving cars are meant to eliminate reckless driving. But can anything really stop motorists from making bad choices?
Hevelius map

Where Did the Moon Come From?

Despite years of study, it is only since the 1980s that a theory of the moon's origin has coalesced.
Buzz Aldrin with equipment on the moon

What the Space Race Left Behind

How should the artifacts of the space race be preserved?
Kakamega rainforest

The Crucial Role of Women in Conservation

Conservationists need to do a better job involving women, according to a recent Nature Conservancy report.
Carter and Children

How One Nightmarish Disease Was Eradicated

Guinea worm, scourge of the tropics, may be nearing its end.
Photograph of two frogs

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Frog Sex (but Were Afraid to Ask)

New research suggests that specific positions may serve to ensure that frog species only mate with their own kind.
online stress

Self-Regulation in a Stressed-Out, Online World

Do our computers, gadgets and online activities necessarily cause stress—or is the internet a place where we can find ways to relieve our stress?
Montral Biosphere

Buckminster Fuller: Captain of Spaceship Earth

Even apostles of the future end up as historical figures: a critical view of R. Buckminster Fuller as the Captain of Spaceship Earth.
Coral and fish in the Red Sea underwater

The Unlikely Places Where Corals Thrive

Working with local populations to live responsibly with coral reefs may have even better long-term effects than trying to protect said reefs.

Why Do Some People Get “Skin Orgasms” from Listening to Music?

Have you ever been listening to a great piece of music and felt a chill run up your spine? The science behind "skin orgasms," or frisson.