Watch Out for Lightning
How did 300 reindeer in Norway die from a single lightning strike?
A Labor Day Look at the Future of Work
If computers endanger the hard-won gains of the labor movement, do we need a new way of addressing tech-driven income inequality?
Fast, Cheap, and Totally Popular: Tintypes
Tintypes were an early, accessible, cheap form of photography, just the thing for on-the-go Americans.
One Way to a Cleaner Ocean? Plastics!
A new technology allows ships to dredge the ocean for plastic, then compress it into bricks. But plastic recycling has proved difficult in the past.
What Doctors Can Learn From the Arts
What can doctors learn from the arts? Ask Anton Chekhov.
The Bigger Your House, The More Room for Bugs
Insect diversity inside the house strongly correlates with neighborhood income. The higher up the income ladder you climb, the greater the diversity of bugs.
What’s On the Other Side of a Black Hole?
What would happen if you entered a black hole?
How Ants Make Gardens in the Sky
You probably haven’t heard of ant gardens, but JSTOR has. High above neotropical rain forests, ants create elaborate nests, sharing them with epiphytes.
Slow, Steady, and Very, Very, Very Old
Why do Greenland Sharks and Pacific Rockfish live for hundreds and hundreds of years?