Catholic Church of the Saviour,also called Xishiku Church or Beitang in Beijing, China

Building Notre Dame in Beijing

Chinese church architecture progressed from initial setbacks to reflect a two-way transfer of design and building techniques as East met West.
Lesedi Cultural Village, South Africa

Cultural Villages in South Africa

Originally viewed as a way to educate tourists on the multiple peoples and traditions of South Africa, cultural villages may soon be a thing of the past.
El Aquelarre by Francisco Goya

Accused as a Witch? Sue ’em!

That’s what they did in the Kingdom of Navarre, where some of the victims brought suit against their accusers for defamation and other offenses.
Piece of Roquefort cheese, made from sheep milk in the caves of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon

Cheesy Terroir-ism: The ABCs of AOCs

Whether it supports the production of wine or cheese, terroir is a “particularly French conception of cultural territory” says historian Tamara L. Whited.
A tug boat towing a barge with sand in coastal waterway near Singapore

The High Cost of Sand in Southeast Asia

The clean, green garden city of Singapore has been built on sand extracted—at significant environmental cost—from its neighbors.
The Fire of Rome, 18 July 64 AD by Hubert Robert , 1785

A History of Fire

It’s only as we brought fire under better control that we stopped thinking so much about it—and, with climate change, that may be shifting again.

Trees With a Secret Message

The culturally modified trees of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska bring essential stories of the past into the present.
People wait for trains on the platform at Kyiv train station on February 28, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Ukraine, Russia, and the West: A Background Reading List

Research reports and scholarly articles on the history of the Ukraine–Russia conflicts of the past and possible paths for peace.
Mary Kay Baum shares photos and drawings with children at the Tres Cabelas cooperative school, 1986

Fighting for El Salvador, from Wisconsin

In the 1980s, people from across the US used civil programs and other direct connections with Salvadorans to build opposition to El Salvador’s oligarchy.
Modern machinery is used in salvaging the Abu Simbel Temple as part of the Aswan Dam Project.

An Epic Face-Lift: Moving Abu Simbel Out of the Nile

Some 25,000 workers cut Abu Simbel’s statues and temples into pieces, hoisted them into the air, and reassembled them on an artificial hill 200 meters away.