PSY-Q: Are the Drug Laws Working? Russell Brand Doesn’t Think So
All currently-illegal drugs, including cannabis, are harmful to health, the main argument for legalizing them reduces harm, by minimizing their consumption.
PSY-Q: A Smoking Gun? (or The Plain Truth). Would Plain Cigarette Packaging Save Lives?
What is the health impact of plain cigarette packaging?
Is There Any Scientific Evidence for the Benefits of Hugging?
The science behind hugging, massage therapy, and physical touch.
Why Your Privacy is Not Just About You
Maintaining privacy is more of a social practice than one would think.
Project Implicit Reveals Your Hidden Prejudice
Professor Anthony Greenwald invented the Implicit Association Test that can tap into our implicit feelings about race. What happens when people take it?
In a scene straight out of science fiction, a student in Washington lifted another student’s hand—with a thought.
Kicking Back, Gladiator Style
Gladiators drank a concoction of vinegar and ashes to stay bulky for battle.
Psy-Q: What Does The Prisoner’s Dilemma have to do with Greenhouse Gases?
Game theory tells us that climate deals are doomed to failure.
Humans and Neanderthals: History Revealed in an Ancient Femur
Recent findings narrow the period in which both Neanderthals and modern humans existed together.
“It’s the psychology, stupid.” What really decides elections?
The "rational choice" model alone doesn't account for voting behavior. So what does?