Tax Day in Ancient Egypt
A newly-analyzed papyrus fragment from Ancient Egypt revealed a truly whopping tax bill
Is TV for Toddlers Really that Bad?
BabyFirstTV, a channel aimed specifically at toddlers is headed for US TV.
Researchers Discover Unknown Ancient City in Honduras
An expedition has identified the ruins of an unknown city in a remote part of Honduras.
The Coca-Cola Wars: Can Anybody Really Tell the Difference?
While few people can reliably discern any difference in a blind taste test, Coca-Cola is winning in its branding war with Pepsi.
Should Sperm Donors Have Visitation Rights?
A lesbian couple from New Jersey now find their most intimate decisions at the center of a precedent-setting appeal about sperm donor visitation rights.
A Smoking Gun: The Battle Over Gun Control and Statistical Significance
Gun control and statistical significance in Florida
Poor Kids, Social Mobility, and Their Contexts
A different angle on the issue of poor kids in America and abroad in an issue of Ethos
Psy-Q: Does Your Horoscope Affect School Performance?
Does one's horoscope birth date impact performance in school? A look at the research.
How to Have a Happy Marriage: Overestimate Your Spouse’s Good Qualities
Newlyweds’ perceptions of each other during “honeymoon period.” Can research tell us anything about how to have a happy marriage?