This Side of Paradise: How Christian and Goth Men View Their Sexualities
Christian and Goth men both transgress typical notions of masculine sexuality, but how they go about it differ greatly.
The Duggars: Sexual Abuse in the Christian Homeschooling Movement
Former homeschoolers are speaking out about sexual abuse by the Duggars and other leaders in the Christian homeschooling movement.
Sexy Sunday School: Naughty Bible Translation
In Genesis 38, Tamar, disguised as a prostitute, tricks her father-in-law into having sex with her. I don’t recall this making the Sunday school curriculum.
The Religious-Irreligious Divide in Working Class Chicago
The struggle for the standard eight-hour workday in Chicago was a bitter one.
Medically Assisted Suicide, Christianity, and Confucius
The debate on medically assisted suicide often pits Christian and secular liberal values against each other.
A Short Guide to Iconoclasm in Early History
In the 8th century, the Eastern or Orthodox branch of Christianity gave history the word iconoclasm, from the Greek words for "icon smashing."
Waking the Spirits: The Diaries of John A. Clark
During the fall and winter of 1861-1862, Clark and many other officials in Santa Fe attended at least eight séances.
Are Academics Afraid to Study Scientology?
For a religion that some experts estimate includes only 30,000 members worldwide, Scientology attracts a lot of attention. But not so much from scholars.