Taking Children’s Art Seriously
Are children’s drawings meaningless scribbles or serious creative work? Western scholars and child psychologists have debated this topic for years.
A Sense of Place for Toddlers
Young children have a unique sense of the world that can be difficult for grown-up architects to grasp.
Regulating Sex Work in Medieval Europe
When sex work was considered a "necessary evil," legal brothels provided certain protections for the women who worked there.
The Cemetery Symbol of Eternal Love
Why did Victorian-era gravestones include so many images of clasped hands?
How Does Couples Therapy Work?
Since the 1980s, more and more couples have sought therapy. Why is it so helpful to have that third person in the room?
Why Covenant Marriage Failed to Take Off
Three states have legalized covenant marriage, which makes divorce difficult. Why didn't it stick among communities preoccupied with family values?
The Cadaver Synod: Putting a Dead Pope on Trial
Why did Pope Stephen VI go to such great lengths to destroy an enemy who was already dead?
The Snow Day as Modern Festival
An unexpected day off work and school can take on the trappings of a religious ritual.
Cutex Hooked Americans on Manicures
How a company that started off selling cuticle remover convinced American woman to paint their nails.