Why We Pay To Do Stuff Ourselves
Why do people love IKEA furniture, cake mixes, and apple-picking? Psychology.
The New Nomads of #VanLife Reflect an Enduring Divide
A distinctly American restlessness is inspiring some to abandon the idea of a permanent home, while others are displaced by harsh realities.
Blame Your Inner Child For Your Brand Affinities
Research shows that the advertising we see in childhood stays with us for a very, very long time.
There Will Always Be a Market for Snake Oil
Even when we suspect the underlying root of an issue is complex, we tend to look for a quick fix.
Nuns Don’t Have Midlife Crises
Why Benedictine nuns report higher levels of happiness and satisfaction than their non-monastic counterparts -- and what we can learn from them.
With Social Media, Everyone’s A Celebrity
Social media has made constant exposure a common experience. To learn how to deal with the attention, maybe we should look to the first celebrities.
Smells Like Divine Spirit
The 4th century was a turning point for the role of scent in the Christian church.
A Century After They First Appeared, Electric Boats Are Making a Comeback
In the late 1800s, electric boats were a promising new technology. They are now enjoying a revival.