Working Against the Clock: Time Colonialism and Lakota Resistance
Resisting Western conceptualizations of time and productivity, the Lakota peoples have maintained a task-oriented economy based on kinship and relationships.
How to Fight Like a Girl
Women have been punching each other in the face (during boxing matches) since the early 1700s.
Divorce, Gen-X Style
By clinging to a one-dimensional view of selfish parents and ignored kids, GenXers missed the chance to empathize with their (heading-for-a-divorce) parents.
Boys in Dresses: The Tradition
It’s difficult to read the gender of children in many old photos. That’s because coding American children via clothing didn’t begin until the 1920s.
The Sweet Sixteen of Sneakers on JSTOR
Why should basketball fans have all the March Madness fun? We're running a basketball sneaker bracket. Play along on Twitter.
The Dawn of Kicks
Invented for a faddish game in the 1880s, tennis shoes became fashionable when manufacturers, fearing the tennis boom would go bust, pushed them off the lawn.
Respecting the Potato
Cuzco’s Potato Park conserves biodiversity and strengthens food sovereignty, all while emphasizing respect for this important and charismatic crop.
The USSR’s “Invisible Cuisine”
Unofficial cookbooks—handwritten recipes passed from kitchen to kitchen—provided their owners with social and cultural capital within the Soviet system.
Daughters of Bilitis
The first lesbian rights organization in the United States originated as “a social club for gay girls.”
SUV: Stigmatized Urban Vehicles?
Skeptics in Sweden voiced concerns from the get-go. Even automotive industry journalists wondered why anybody needed an SUV to go to the opera.