Abigail Fisher, who challenged the use of race in college admissions, joined by lawyer Edward Blum, right, speaks to reporters outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, following oral arguments in the Supreme Court in a case that could cut back on or even eliminate affirmative action in higher education. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The Case for Abigail Fisher: A History of Affirmative-Action Cases

Three affirmative-action cases set precedent for the Supreme Court as they make a decision on Fisher vs. University of Texas.
Lincoln University graduate Lloyd L. Gaines, 24 years old, during the mandamus suit trial in which he is seeking to compel the University of Missouri to admit him as a law student. (Copyright Bettmann/Corbis / AP Images)

Desegregating Mizzou

It took twelve years and the Supreme Court before the University of Missouri agreed to accept black students.
Prince Edward County School (AP Photo/Henry Burroughs)

When a Memoir Tells Half the Story: Prince Edward County and School Desegregation

Kristen Green's memoir Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County neglects the broader significance of the county's school desegregation crisis.
Charter Schools

Charter School Networks: How They’re Funded

We look at the role the federal government and private donors play in funding charter school networks.
Children at preschool playing with colorful shapes.

Does Universal Pre-K Help Working Mothers?

Pre-K may help the child, but does it get mothers back to work?
Imprisoned student

Bringing Education to Prisoners

Is there an alternative to the punitive treatment of criminals? We look at the history of correctional education reforms within the American prison system.
Pile of textbooks on a desk

The Racism of History Textbooks

How history textbooks reinforced narratives of racism, and the fight to change those books from the 1940s to the present.
Eugène Durieu - Female portrait

Visual Literacy in the Age of Open Content

We need a visual literacy to help us negotiate new ways of seeing, but also new ways of accessing, manipulating, and reusing visual content.
Student using a cell phone

Should Cell Phones Be Used in the Classroom?

When schools welcome the use of cell phones and other technologies in the classroom.