A maternity ward worker holds a baby in an empty hospital hall

Ready for the 11-Hour Work Day?

Will the 11-hour work day become a reality?
Painting of Ebinezer Elliot

Nineteenth-Century Rappers, Corn Laws, and the Rise of Free Trade

The strange intersection of corn laws, rap, poetry, and free trade.
Man ironing a work shirt

How the “Boomerang Generation” Sees Itself — and Adulthood

Researchers looked at young people's sense of their identity as adults after moving back home, with results published in Sociological Forum in 2008.
Ice and carbonation at the top of a glass of cola

When Soda Was Virtuous

Soda had a virtuous aura a century ago.
A pile of tax forms

Self-Employment: Exciting Opportunity or Last Resort?

Does self-employment open up new opportunities or exploit a vulnerable workforce?
Close-up of a paycheck breakdown

Do Living Wage Laws Work?

What do living wage laws mean to workers and local economies?
Refueling Car With Gasoline Pump Nozzle, Selective Focus on pump nozzle

Falling Oil Prices are Worse for Conservation than You Think

It's not just falling oil prices but any price volatility that makes conservation a harder sell.
A crowded city street at the turn of the century

Secular Stagnation Theory

What is secular stagnation theory? And what does it have to do with the recession?
A classic Nintendo Entertainment System complete with the short controller cord

What Can Video Games Teach Us About Economics?

But what can video games tell us about economics? Apparently a lot.
One hand outstretched for a handshake and on the opposite side a hand clenched in a fist

How Not to Pay for Race Discrimination

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently announced that it's suing four Whitten Inn hotels over race discrimination