A Brief History of the Income Tax
The significance of the date April 15 is not lost on anyone in the modern United States. But ...
Do National Parks and Monuments Make Economic Sense?
National parks and monuments can harm local economies in some situations, but in other situations they can substantially boost local economies.
Jackpot: For Colonial Slaves, Playing the Lottery Was a Chance at Freedom
Complaints that the lottery is a regressive tax on the poor have been around since the beginning of the lottery in America.
The Road to Utopia: A Conversation with Juliet Schor
JSTOR Daily's Livia Gershon interviews bestselling author and Boston College sociologist Juliet Schor about work and consumption.
When It Comes to the Oscars, the Nomination Is as Good as a Win
Research suggests that an Oscar nomination helps boost sales revenue in the weeks following the announcements.
Taxation Without Money
The Stamp Act of 1765, which inspired the “taxation without representation” cry, imposed taxes that outraged specific groups of people.
Do Incentives Modify Behavior?
How financial incentives help--and don't help--people stick to their resolutions.
The Economic Impact of El Niño
Looking at the economic impact of the El Nino's weather pattern across the globe.
Why Japanese Women Don’t Stay in the Workforce
Japanese women exit the workforce at far higher rates than in other developed countries.