60s exchange floor

Are Free Markets Fictional?

Back in the 1940s, when America's post-war economic system was taking shape, many popular economists agreed that “free markets” were a fiction.
Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren

An early paper by Elizabeth Warren argues for a Financial Product Safety Commission that would regulate financial products.
Wampum illustration

Wampum was Massachusetts’ First Legal Currency

First Nations' seashell-derived wampum was Massachusetts' first legal currency, used as currency throughout northeastern America into the 19th century.
colorful pills on black background

Paying People to Take Their Pills

The majority of medication-related hospital admissions were caused by noncompliance—when patients, for one reason or another, don't take their drugs.
Bride alone on couch

Why Pay the Costs of a Wedding for One?

Self-marriage may be, at least in some cases, a ritual reclaiming a sense of control when women may have felt they've lost it.
kitchen of the future baby boomers

Did Better Household Technology Create the Baby Boomers?

The Baby Boomers have been blamed for everything from economic stagnation to America's current political situation. But where did they come from?
Richard Thaler

Richard H. Thaler

Richard H. Thaler was awarded the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. More on his theory that when it comes to money, people are irrational.
Close-up of colourful tulip flowers

What Do Bitcoin and Tulips Have In Common?

What can we learn from the extraordinary period in Holland's history when a surge in demand for tulip bulbs pushed the price up to exorbitant rates?
Virgin Islands hurricane damage

After the Hurricanes, Who Cleans Up The Caribbean?

The Caribbean islands' plights have been reminders that despite their small size, overseas territories can be a big responsibility for governments abroad.
Bangalore street

Are There Other Silicon Valleys?

The phrase "Silicon Valley" conjures images of a crowded mini-metropolis in California, and a barrage of familiar Western brands. That's about to change.