Asimov’s Empire, Asimov’s Wall
The science fiction author Isaac Asimov engaged in forms of unwanted touching with countless women. It set the tone for the entire genre.
Hitchcock’s Transition from London to Hollywood
In England, Alfred Hitchcock cultivated a comedic sensibility that shines through in his Hollywood thrillers.
What Did Franco’s Spain Do to Spanish Music?
Contemporary Spanish genres like flamenco and zarzuela still carry the weight of cultural associations with Franco’s fascist regime.
“To Reach the Pure Realm of the Imaginary:” A Conversation with Cixin Liu
The science fiction author Cixin Liu is best known for his mind-bending trilogy The Three Body Problem.
The Fear That Synthesizers Would Ruin Music
A German musicologist complained in 1954 that they reminded him of "barking hell-hounds."
The Great Animation Strike
Animation workers took to the streets, carrying signs with bleakly humorous slogans. One read: “I make millions laugh but the real joke is our salaries.”
The Rowdy Women of Early Modern Theater
There were, in fact, women in the audiences of Shakespeare’s plays. Some came to watch; others to sell their wares; others to get on stage themselves.
Five Green Living Resolutions for 2020
We won't solve all of the pressing environmental problems, but we can help mitigate some.
Why Netflix’s The Witcher Is a Gamble
TV shows based on video games can't capture all the little minutiae that captivate gamers, like the map in the instruction manual.
Editors’ Picks: What We’re Reading
The history of Native resistance, the philosophy of love, the medicalization of madness, color in fairy tales, and dinosaur bones.