A black and white still from Satyajit Ray’s Apu Trilogy

The Apu Trilogy Revisited

The Apu Trilogy of films has been newly restored and re-released
Dashiell Hammett

Dashiell Hammett’s Birthday

Celebrating the hard-boiled detective writer Dashiell Hammett's birthday.
Yoko Ono at the MOMA

Understanding Yoko Ono & the History of Anti-Art

Yoko Ono and the Fluxus Anti-Art Movement
Frida Kahlo's house

Inside Frida Kahlo’s Garden

What was the inspiration behind Friday Kahlo's iconic garden?
Cover of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism is published by Wiley on behalf of the American Society for Aesthetics, and it was first issued in 1942.
Two children talking together

The Super Secret World of Ludlings – You Know, For Kids!

secret language games or ludlings, have been serious business for young people across the ages.

Bearing Witness to the Art of Chris Burden

Artist Chris Burden died last week. Here, we remember his iconic, sculptural monuments and artistic legacy.
A child's hands pressed up against a static-filled television

Poltergeist Haunts Scholars in 1935

Read an early scholarly essay of reported Poltergeists.
"BillOReillySept2010" by Justin Hoch. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BillOReillySept2010.jpg#/media/File:BillOReillySept2010.jpg

Bill O’Reilly: The Thug Life

The O’Reilly Factor follows a “set of binary codes of the form sacred vs. polluted,” expressed in a number of ways according to sociologist Matthew Norton.
Ballerina, Leslie Caron leans on Gene Kelly's arm in "An American in Paris"

An American in Paris: Onstage and Onscreen

Whatever your thoughts on the Broadway production, An American in Paris is a big deal in the history of movie musicals.