Arnold Schwarzenegger as an action hero holding a gun in 1984's The Terminator

Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Kinder, Gentler Action Hero?

Two articles look at the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger through the lens of gender studies and feminism.
An older man catches a wave

Surfing as Religion

Surfing is considered by some to constitute an aquatic nature religion.
Older black and white photograph of the Hollywood sign

Inside Early Hollywood’s Obsession With Age

How did Hollywood portray aging stars in a time before Photoshop?
Sign with characters indicating an expletive crossed out

All About That Taboo: When Good Words Go Bad

The phenomenon of sacres, or taboo words that start from fairly innocuous beginnings.
Poet Tomas Tranströmer in black and white

Tomas Tranströmer’s Final Interview

Read poetry and essays on Tomas Transtromer.
An old television displaying Yoko Ono and a woman fixing her collar

Invitation, Sacrifice, Souvenir: Yoko Ono’s “Cut Piece”

Yoko Ono's iconic work of performance art "Cut Piece" was recently re-enacted by musician Peaches.
Neon colored Mural by Maya Hayuk for POW! WOW! Hawaii

The Global Rise of Street Art

Pow! Wow! mural festivals are growing internationally and exponentially. Learn about the rise and acceptance of street art.
Street in Paris

“No Duty But That to Herself”: American Girls in Paris

The American GIrls' club was created not only to feed and house American girls in Paris in the 1890s
A movie audience watches 1950's actress Gloria Graham with bandages over one side of her face from an older film

Stars and Scars: Disfigurement in Film

Onscreen, scarring represents a loss of beauty for women and toughness for men, but what about the actors who bear visible scars?
Side-by-side posts from SuicideGirls showing the same photograph of a woman and a cat bowl sold for two very different prices

Richard, Prince of Instagram Appropriation

While recent media debates why and how his Instagram art sucks, Richard Prince’s appropriation has long been a controversial, hot topic.