Photo credit: Mrs. Harvey Cook reading with two boys, 1904. (Miami University Libraries)

Cultural Capital

Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's 1970s concept of cultural capital has been co-opted by economics, racial studies, and education.
Time is money.

It Turns Out Ordinary Life is Full of Poetry (Metaphorically Speaking)

The metaphor isn't just a literary device; it informs our conceptual understanding of language and the world.
Starbucks Red Holiday Cup

The First “War on Christmas”

The controversy over Jesus’s birthday has gone on for centuries.
Poster advertising Joice Heth

The Immortal Life of Joice Heth: How P. T. Barnum Used an Elderly Slave To Launch His Career

P. T. Barnum's career as a Kentucky show man began with his ownership and exploitation of African American slave Joice Heth.
Weldon's Ladies' Journal April 1895

Public Domain via <a href="[gallery-1]/1" target="_blank"></a>

The Birth of Fashion Magazines

Fashion magazines, which first emerged in the 19th century, bridged notions of femininity with an increasingly consumerist society.
From left: Star Wars movie poster 1977, Star Wars: Phantom Menace movie poster 1999, Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie poster 2015

The War On Star Wars

The force isn't for everyone.
Black Friday Crowd

Why Black? A Look Behind the Biggest Shopping Day of the Year

On either side of the aisle, Black Friday surfaces systemic issues facing low-income communities of color.
Wooden Spoons

Why We Keep Our Utensils

They're more than just cooking tools.
Speech Bubbles

When Actions Are Words

How certain speech acts perform actions and alter our social reality.
The iconic clock scene from Safety Last! (1923)

When People Talked at the Movies

Being silent in a movie theater is a learned habit.