Illustrated imagining of a furry, cat-like monster

Hello Kitty: Large Mystery Cat Spotted in France

Mystery cat spotted in France.
Napoleon's signature

Napoléon’s Signatures: The Story of a Decline in Handwriting

As Napoléon’s career and mental conditions declined in his later years, his signature suffered greatly.
Education and Leisure

The Rise and Fall of “Education for Leisure”

Where did the notion of teaching people how to spend their free time come from, and why did it disappear?
Blue lower case alphabet letters against a white background

New Typeface for Dyslexic Readers

A 33-year old Dutch designer, Christian Boer, has created the Dyslexie typeface to help dyslexic readers
Black and white drawing of a Giant Moa, an extinct flightless bird

How Many People Does it Take to Wreck an Ecosystem?

A relatively small number of people are required to destroy and ecosystem
Black and white photograph of Leon Trotsky looking directly at the camera

Trotsky’s New York Minute

Trotsky in New York.
A Help Wanted sign hanging in a store window

Can Part-Time Jobs Be Good Jobs?

Brandeis University researcher Hilda Kahne argued for a more thoughtful approach to part-time jobs in a 1994 issue of Social Service Review
A troop of mushrooms


Mushrooms may seem like humble life forms, but they are very much wrapped up in the human experience.
Black and white photograph of Georgia O'Keefe sitting on the ground and sketching

Georgia O’Keeffe and the $44 Million Jimson Weed

A 1932 painting of Jimson weed by Georgia O'Keeffe has sold at auction, following a bidding war that has resulted in a record-breaking price of $44 million.
Three Giant Galapagos Turtles on a stroll together

Back from Extinction, But Not Safe: Captive Breeding Restores a Giant Galapagos Tortoise

The Española giant tortoise, once feared extinct, has a viable population again.