Why Go to the Movies?
In 2014, attendance at the movies hit its lowest level in two decades.
Marvel’s Agent Carter and the Women of WWII
Marvel has introduced Agent Peggy Carter into the lexicon about women’s status in the military during and post-WWII.
Orson Welles at 100
2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Orson Welles.
Maybe Entrepreneurs Don’t Like Risk Much After All
Research shows that entrepreneurs are surprisingly resistant to risk.
A Universe Where Time Runs Backwards
Running out of time? Not in a universe where time runs backwards.
Ancient Chemical Warfare
The lethal combination of chemistry and warfare has a long history.
Taxis, Ride-sharing Apps, and Safety: An Age-Old Debate
Current controversies over ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft may not be all that new.
What are International Goals Good For?
As the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals, created in 2000, approaches, we look at papers that explore the impact of international goals.
PSY-Q: The SAD-dest Time of the Year
What are the treatment options for SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Quantitative Research in 2015, as Imagined in 1990
If you want to get some perspective how much quantitative research has changed in the past few decades, try going back to 1990.