Stick figure drawing on an irate office worker

More on Internet Neologisms: Rage Quitting is a Thing

More on internet neologisms: pairing together a (negative) mood word with a verb to produce a semi-productive compound.
Illustration of Dawn spacecraft in space

A New Engine Sends NASA’s Dawn Spacecraft on Its Way

Dawn spacecraft's mission to Ceres is made possible by a brand new ion engine that runs off individual atoms.
Ancient Assyrian relief 865-860 BC from Nimrud showing King Ashurnasirpal accompanied by his courtiers pouring a libation over a dead lion

What ISIS Wrecked in Nimrud and Hatra

Records of excavations from before the current conflict with ISIS in Iraq can give us an idea of the former grandeur of Nimrud and Hatra.
W.E.B. DuBois

W. E. B. Du Bois Sets The Stage

A brief communication is revealing window into the life of thinker W. E. B. Du Bois.
A suspect handcuffed in an office

Why Do White-Collar Criminals Do It?

Former Tyco CEO and infamous white-collar criminal L. Dennis Kozlowski recently ended his parole
A couple with a baby look over their bills

What Happens to Kids When You Give Families a Universal Basic Income?

A town in Cherokee, North Carolina is an experiment on how a universal basic income affects kids.
Karla Mosley credited as Maya Avant, her character on The Bold and the Beautiful

Coming Clean on Gender in Soap Operas

Academic scholarship on gender in soap operas.
"Bundesarchiv Bild 102-00652, Richard Loeb und Nathan Leopold" by Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00652 / CC-BY-SA. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de via Wikimedia Commons -,_Richard_Loeb_und_Nathan_Leopold.jpg#/media/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-00652,_Richard_Loeb_und_Nathan_Leopold.jpg

Leopold and Loeb, Again

The defense in the trail of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombing is using Clarence Darrow's strategy in the Leopold and Loeb trial of 1924.
Two Polar Bears navigate drifting ice floes

Geoengineering: A Real Weapon Against Climate Change?

Does geoengineering deserve stronger consideration as a strategy to combat climate change?
Signage reading "No Weapons Allowed Inside This Building"

A Smoking Gun: The Battle Over Gun Control and Statistical Significance

Gun control and statistical significance in Florida