Bosnia in Hiking Boots: A History of Mountaineering Clubs
Through the story of Bosnian mountaineering, an alternative mini-history of Bosnia emerges.
Mesmerizing Jonathan Miller
Read a 2001 Keynote Address from comedian and scholar Jonathan Miller from the Social Research conference on Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815).
Is TV for Toddlers Really that Bad?
BabyFirstTV, a channel aimed specifically at toddlers is headed for US TV.
All the Young Dudes: Generic Gender Terms Among Young Women
The linguistics behind gender neutral terms among young women.
What Role Did Laura Keene Play on Abraham Lincoln’s Last Night?
Actress Laura Keene's role on the night of Lincoln's assassination is shrouded in myth.
Researchers Discover Unknown Ancient City in Honduras
An expedition has identified the ruins of an unknown city in a remote part of Honduras.
The Erotics of Backgammon
James E. Doan reveals the sexual innuendoes and double-entendres based on Backgammon.
Move Over, Camouflage. Here Comes Artificial Chameleon Skin
Engineers have developed a new chameleon-like material that changes color with a slight movement, according to research published in the journal Optical.
A Brief History of Young Adult Fiction
Before there such a thing as "YA," librarians struggled not just to define a genre, but to figure out how to get books in the hands of young readers.
Do Police Deter Crime?
Is there a connection between larger police forces and lower crime rates?