Street in Paris

“No Duty But That to Herself”: American Girls in Paris

The American GIrls' club was created not only to feed and house American girls in Paris in the 1890s
A movie audience watches 1950's actress Gloria Graham with bandages over one side of her face from an older film

Stars and Scars: Disfigurement in Film

Onscreen, scarring represents a loss of beauty for women and toughness for men, but what about the actors who bear visible scars?
Japanese students

Japan, the U.S, and the Perils of International Education Comparisons

Current comparisons of U.S. and Chinese educational systems echo earlier comparisons to Japan.
Black and white photograph of “369th 15th New York” from World War I

World War I Vets as the Vanguard of the ‘New Negro’

World War I saw several hundred thousand African-American soldiers discharged from a virulently segregated U.S. military into a virulently segregated society
A black and white photograph of a 1590's housewife speaking to a salesman at her door

“Uber for Sales” and Door-to-Door Vacuum Salesmen

The independent contractor model employed by Uber was used in the vacuum cleaner companies.
Famous Meroe pyramids

The Forgotten Pyramids of Sudan

Sudanese pyramids are far less well known by either archaeologists or the public than their Egyptian counterparts.

The Opah Fish is Warm-Blooded!

The Opah fish, or moonfish, is actually warm-blooded.
Older black and white photograph of the all female staff at Bryn Mawr summer school

Class, Feminism and the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers

A paper for Pennsylvania History looked at the way elite & working-class feminists worked together to create the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers.
Side-by-side posts from SuicideGirls showing the same photograph of a woman and a cat bowl sold for two very different prices

Richard, Prince of Instagram Appropriation

While recent media debates why and how his Instagram art sucks, Richard Prince’s appropriation has long been a controversial, hot topic.
Andrew Jackson in black and white

Andrew Jackson’s Duels

Andrew Jackson had a predilection for old-fashioned fights of honor.