Before Broadband, Seeking Universal Access to the Telephone
Today's debates about low-income subsidizes for broadband echo early fights for universal access to telephone lines.
Got Plants? You May Also Have Diamonds!
The use of plants as indicators for specific environmental conditions
Invitation, Sacrifice, Souvenir: Yoko Ono’s “Cut Piece”
Yoko Ono's iconic work of performance art "Cut Piece" was recently re-enacted by musician Peaches.
The History of Graduation Ceremonies and Other School Rituals
Graduation ceremonies and traditions have certainly changed over the past 100 years.
Seeing Through Your Skin? No Sweat, If You’re an Octopus
New research suggests that the octopus can “see” through its body.
Waterloo at 200
John Houston takes a less melodic look at the transformation of the Battle of Waterloo from "fact to myth," from history to literature.
The Global Rise of Street Art
Pow! Wow! mural festivals are growing internationally and exponentially. Learn about the rise and acceptance of street art.
Dr. Ossian Sweet’s Black Life Mattered
It has been 90 years since Ossian Sweet tried to move into his new home; since police stood by and did nothing as a mob threw rocks.
“No Duty But That to Herself”: American Girls in Paris
The American GIrls' club was created not only to feed and house American girls in Paris in the 1890s
Stars and Scars: Disfigurement in Film
Onscreen, scarring represents a loss of beauty for women and toughness for men, but what about the actors who bear visible scars?