Illustration of the Cosmic order by Robert Fludd, the World Soul.

Let Panpsychism Expand Your Mind

An examination of panpsychism's history.
Woman standing in a dirt road

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Speaker: Linguistic Isolation in the Modern World

Ayapaneco, an endangered Mexican language, sparked linguistic interest when the last two speakers of the language were not speaking to each other
Stacks of paperbacks published by Penguin Books

Penguin Books at 80

The beloved Penguin Books is 80 years old.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Cancer and Aging, What Emotions Mean, Prison Guards Gone Wrong

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought ...
A hand holding a palm oil fruit in front of a bushel of the fruit

The environmental scourge of palm oil

Why Palm Oil is dangerous for the environment
Oil painting of a wet nurse holding an infant

The Lifesaving, Horrifying History of Wet Nurses

The history of wet nurses
Young man holding a basketball over a ravine

The Magnus Effect: More Than a Viral Video

What is the concept of the Magnus effect?
Close-up of E.L. Doctorow in black and white

E.L. Doctorow On New York

Literary giant E.L. Doctorow died in New York — where he lived his entire life — on 07/21. In a 1995 interview, Doctorow reveals what the city meant to him.
Statue of Benjamin Silliman

The Soda Jerk and the Periodical

The history of scientific periodicals starts with Benjamin Silliman's upstart publication.
Saharan Silver Ants capturing a beetlea

Mad dogs, Englishmen, and Silver Ants Go Out in the Midday Sun

Several species have managed to adapt to the harsh, unforgiving environment of deserts.